
Knight Foundation has emailed me a Grant Proposal Form.

About Knight Foundation:

Knight Foundation focuses on projects that promote informed and engaged
communities. In Akron, we are supporting talent attraction and retention
necessary to build a 21st century economy.

This Grant Proposal Form form is used to evaluate whether Knight supports
an organization's work. In this form, I plan to declare to Knight what we
need help with.

Ofcourse, I need help with coming up with what we need help with :)

I'm planning to meet in person with anyone interested in helping with
filling this form on Thu Feb 13th at 6pm at our new location at 48 S Summit
St for a discussion.

Until then, here are the important things in the form that we can all
individually think about responses to (mostly a plaintext copy paste of
things in the form that I thought were important):

   - Does Synhak plan to use a fiscal agent? (if not, Knight recommends
   Miami Foundation)
   - Proposal for a project
      - Total cost? $
      - Requested from Knight?  $
      - Over how many years?
      - Synhak's operating revenues $ ... and expenses $... for the current
      year and the end date of our fiscal year ....
      - Attachments that would help Knight and they expect:
         - *Project Budget .. very important for completeness of form*
         - Existing funders
         - Any major expenses/capital equipment we plan to purchase
      - Proposal Narrative (few paragraphs per each of the following):
      1. Purpose of grant in one short sentence
      2. What is the project
      3. List key activities and the timetable, including the grant start
      and end dates
      4. Why is this a fit for Knight Foundation?
         1. Explain how you will intentionally engage the community,
         improve or provide access to information flow, and address the Akron
         strategy of engaging and retaining the next generation of talent.
      5. What are our outcomes?
         1. Indicate 2 or 3 concrete changes you would like to see in place
         at the end of your grant period
      6. Measuring success?
         1. List the metrics that we will use to track the success of our

Towards the end .. it states:

As a potential grantee of Knight Foundation, please be aware of the

Submission of this proposal indicates your organization's permission for
Knight Foundation to ask people who are not members of the Foundation's
staff to review the proposal and to give advice and information to the
Foundation about your organization, board, staff and others with whom you
are affiliated.  Materials submitted to Knight Foundation as part of the
proposal process will be used as the foundation deems appropriate.  They
are not subject to any right of confidentiality unless specifically agreed
to in writing by Knight Foundation.

Knight Foundation is under no obligation to fund the applicant. If it does
choose to have a future relationship, the foundation may suggest the type,
including contracts, grants, loans, program-related investments or others.

I'm excited about this.

^^ Devin, Torrie, Chris

All: please let me know if that scheduled time does not work - feel free to
counter it.

My plan is to finish and submit this form by 2/21

After that it'll be in Knight's hands.


G | Gaurav Narain Saxena | (330) 283 - 4972

I am a Board Member at SYN/HAK <>: The Akron
Hackerspace located at 48 S Summit St Akron Ohio

I am providing technical consulting services to
Sherwin-Williams<>on behalf of Bennett
Adelson <> (Microsoft Solution Center)
located at 6050 Oak Tree Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio
I have also been providing solutions to non-trivial problems other
businesses may have through my company Whiskey Bits LLC located in Portage
Lakes, Ohio
Learn more about things I have created by reading my About
page<>on my
blog <>
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