Also, what I wrote are ideas, not actual items, unless they are actual
things we're trying to accomplish then yes I concur.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:30 PM, Omar Rassi <> wrote:

> I tried to answer some these questions real quick while holding a
> squirming baby on my lap at my laptop in the kitchen. What I wrote is in
>    - Does Synhak plan to use a fiscal agent? (if not, Knight recommends
>    Miami Foundation)
>    - Proposal for a project (*renovation of the building we occupy 48
>    South Summit Street*)
>       - Total cost? $100,000 (*AKA Omar's purely arbitrary guesstimation
>       based on previous conversations with other members*)
>       - Requested from Knight?  *$100,000*
>       - Over how many years? 2 (*spread out the work! we're all doing
>       this in our spare time after all*)
>       - Synhak's operating revenues $ *???* and expenses $ *???* for the
>       current year and the end date of our fiscal year ....
>       - Attachments that would help Knight and they expect:
>       - *Project Budget .. very important for completeness of form *(*Does
>          the treasurer have this?)*
>          - Existing funders (*Synhak Membership*)
>          - Any major expenses/capital equipment we plan to purchase (*LASERS!
>          ZAP! uhhh... shoring up the south wall, more roof/ceiling repair,
>          re-finishing the Perkins room, ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL, 
> plumbing*
>          )
>       - Proposal Narrative (few paragraphs per each of the following):
>    1. Purpose of grant in one short sentence, *In order to create a more
>       perfect hackerspace, we wish to renovate and improve the building 
> occupied
>       by said hackerspace.*
>       2. What is the project, *Project Edify*
>       3. List key activities and the timetable, including the grant start
>       and end dates *???*
>       4. Why is this a fit for Knight Foundation? *???*
>          1. Explain how you will intentionally engage the community,
>          improve or provide access to information flow, and address the Akron
>          strategy of engaging and retaining the next generation of talent. 
> *See
> <>*
>       5. What are our outcomes?
>          1. *Laser cutter!*
>          2. *Safer more energy efficient building*
>          3. *attract more members with a more attractive infrastructure*
>       6. Measuring success?
>          1. List the metrics that we will use to track the success of our
>          outcomes *BUZZWORDS*
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 5:52 PM, gs volt <> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Knight Foundation has emailed me a Grant Proposal Form.
>> About Knight Foundation:
>> Knight Foundation focuses on projects that promote informed and engaged
>> communities. In Akron, we are supporting talent attraction and retention
>> necessary to build a 21st century economy.
>> This Grant Proposal Form form is used to evaluate whether Knight supports
>> an organization's work. In this form, I plan to declare to Knight what we
>> need help with.
>> Ofcourse, I need help with coming up with what we need help with :)
>> I'm planning to meet in person with anyone interested in helping with
>> filling this form on Thu Feb 13th at 6pm at our new location at 48 S Summit
>> St for a discussion.
>> Until then, here are the important things in the form that we can all
>> individually think about responses to (mostly a plaintext copy paste of
>> things in the form that I thought were important):
>>    - Does Synhak plan to use a fiscal agent? (if not, Knight recommends
>>    Miami Foundation)
>>    - Proposal for a project
>>       - Total cost? $
>>       - Requested from Knight?  $
>>       - Over how many years?
>>       - Synhak's operating revenues $ ... and expenses $... for the
>>       current year and the end date of our fiscal year ....
>>       - Attachments that would help Knight and they expect:
>>          - *Project Budget .. very important for completeness of form*
>>          - Existing funders
>>          - Any major expenses/capital equipment we plan to purchase
>>       - Proposal Narrative (few paragraphs per each of the following):
>>       1. Purpose of grant in one short sentence
>>       2. What is the project
>>       3. List key activities and the timetable, including the grant
>>       start and end dates
>>       4. Why is this a fit for Knight Foundation?
>>          1. Explain how you will intentionally engage the community,
>>          improve or provide access to information flow, and address the Akron
>>          strategy of engaging and retaining the next generation of talent.
>>       5. What are our outcomes?
>>          1. Indicate 2 or 3 concrete changes you would like to see in
>>          place at the end of your grant period
>>       6. Measuring success?
>>          1. List the metrics that we will use to track the success of
>>          our outcomes
>> Towards the end .. it states:
>> As a potential grantee of Knight Foundation, please be aware of the
>> following:
>> Submission of this proposal indicates your organization's permission for
>> Knight Foundation to ask people who are not members of the Foundation's
>> staff to review the proposal and to give advice and information to the
>> Foundation about your organization, board, staff and others with whom you
>> are affiliated.  Materials submitted to Knight Foundation as part of the
>> proposal process will be used as the foundation deems appropriate.  They
>> are not subject to any right of confidentiality unless specifically agreed
>> to in writing by Knight Foundation.
>> Knight Foundation is under no obligation to fund the applicant. If it
>> does choose to have a future relationship, the foundation may suggest the
>> type, including contracts, grants, loans, program-related investments or
>> others.
>> I'm excited about this.
>> ^^ Devin, Torrie, Chris
>> All: please let me know if that scheduled time does not work - feel free
>> to counter it.
>> My plan is to finish and submit this form by 2/21
>> After that it'll be in Knight's hands.
>> Regards,
>> --
>> G | Gaurav Narain Saxena | (330) 283 - 4972
>> I am a Board Member at SYN/HAK <>: The Akron
>> Hackerspace located at 48 S Summit St Akron Ohio 
>> 44308<>
>> I am providing technical consulting services to 
>> Sherwin-Williams<>on behalf of Bennett
>> Adelson <> (Microsoft Solution Center)
>> located at 6050 Oak Tree Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio 
>> 44131<,+Cleveland,+Ohio+44131>
>> I have also been providing solutions to non-trivial problems other
>> businesses may have through my company Whiskey Bits LLC located in Portage
>> Lakes, Ohio
>> Learn more about things I have created by reading my About 
>> page<>on my
>> blog <>
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