On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Charlie Arehart <char...@carehart.org> wrote:
> You may prefer to do this from the command line (or a shortcut) instead.
> While there are also jrunsvc options that could allow you to stop/start the
> instance’s Service from the command line as well,  what I do instead is
> simply create a shortcut that calls the Windows services controller
> (net.exe) itself:

To further expand on this, here's what I do...  For development on my
own local machine I set any CF Windows Services to manual so they
don't start with the machine.  I then use .bat files to start cfusion
instances when I need to.  I have startup scripts for CF7, CF8, and
CF9 instances, some configured for specific clients.  I have maybe 10
or so instances in all.  I've created a folder on my Windows
QuickStart bar and dropped all the bat files in it.

When I want to startup a specific instance I just click the folder and
select the instance I'd like to start.  I start them in a console
window, which also has the added benefit (for me) of showing any
errors right there in the window.  This means I don't have to look for
logs when something silently fails, I just look at the console output.
 You can also set Flex Remoting data to dump into the console if you'd
like to see it.  Server needs a restart?  "CTRL+C" the console to stop
it and then run the bat file again.

There are other ways to accomplish these same things, but that's what
I have gotten comfortable with over the years...


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com

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