
I have a weird issue. We have website on IIS 6, CF 9.
Website webroot : C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XYZ Inside this XYZ folder I have my
cfm and cfcs. No subfolders.

I have this code in test.cfm. Both test.cfm and Employee.cfc are in same
folder C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XYZ
<cfinput type="text" name="hrManager_1" value="#hrManager_1#"
autosuggestminlength="2" autosuggest="cfc:Employee.fnGetEmployeeByFName

If i access this on my local machine it works fine. If I access it via
website we have setup using same C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XYZ folder, I get error
on this code saying XYZ.Employee was not found.

So looks like when its running test.cfm, its looking for another XYZ folder
then Employee.cfc i.e. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XYZ\XYZ\Employee.cfc . I dont
know why its doing this because I am thinking relative path should work ie.
test.cfm and employee.cfc are in same folder so my code should work. Going
by error description, I created the folder XYZ\XYZ\Employee.cfc and it
works fine.  If my code was cfc:XYZ.Employee.fnGetEmployeeByFName then I
can understand I need another XYZ subfolder because of . reference.

I am stumped on this one. If i access the site without url on our dev
server it works fine.

Any suggestions?

<Ajas Mohammed />
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