Ajas, I don't recognize the problem immediately, but unless someone else
does and comes to the rescue, here are a few thoughts to consider that may
help you (or help you help us):

First, are you positive that the two websites are setup identically on the
two different machines? I mean specifically the docroot, for instance. You
don't clarify, though you do imply it. Worth just confirming.

Second, since this autosuggest feature generates a request from the client
to the server (as coded by CF, of course), you may want to use a tool like
firebug or any of many other tools to watch the communication between the
client and the web server. it may be interesting to see what the client asks
for. Consider also that what it asks for is of the web server: you could
still have some other possible confusion caused once it leaves the web
server and gets to CF.

Third, do you have a mapping setup in the CF Admin (check in both your local
and the other server)? And what about in this.mappings in any
application.cfc that may control the page? Again, check on both boxes.

Again, I'm just grasping at straws here. No real idea of the problem or
solution. Hope these thoughts may help.




From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 2:41 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] CFC path - bind autosuggest issue




I have a weird issue. We have website on IIS 6, CF 9.

Website webroot : C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XYZ Inside this XYZ folder I have my
cfm and cfcs. No subfolders.


I have this code in test.cfm. Both test.cfm and Employee.cfc are in same
folder C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XYZ

<cfinput type="text" name="hrManager_1" value="#hrManager_1#"


If i access this on my local machine it works fine. If I access it via
website we have setup using same C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XYZ folder, I get error
on this code saying XYZ.Employee was not found. 


So looks like when its running test.cfm, its looking for another XYZ folder
then Employee.cfc i.e. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\XYZ\XYZ\Employee.cfc . I dont know
why its doing this because I am thinking relative path should work ie.
test.cfm and employee.cfc are in same folder so my code should work. Going
by error description, I created the folder XYZ\XYZ\Employee.cfc and it works
fine.  If my code was cfc:XYZ.Employee.fnGetEmployeeByFName then I can
understand I need another XYZ subfolder because of . reference.


I am stumped on this one. If i access the site without url on our dev server
it works fine. 


Any suggestions?

<Ajas Mohammed /> 

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