Hi Hans,

and thanks for contributing !

On 14/02/16 20:05, sme at ortecin GmbH wrote:
> A very nice post, must have taken you ages to type on an touch screen

Yup..... such is life !

> What I personally view as being problematic:
>   * From my potentially incomplete view I had the impression that things
>     are SME specific where I dare to question they have to be. As an
>     example, I remember a message on this board where it was stated that
>     we had to modify anaconda in order to fix a bug

Some things are not always as clear cut as the may appear. Anaconda I
believe needs to be patched to make for a simpler SME install.

>   * The effort to integrate a contribution into the system is manageable
>     but mostly a manual task, quite a lot of effort

Yes it isn't that easy, particularly with respect to panels, and that is
something that we are debating about how to build a better and easier
framework to make it simpler to integrate panels.

A basic CLI contrib is not so hard once you understand the way SME
works, but that does involve sitting and reading quite a lot (and it
isn't always obvious where admittedly). There IS a lot of info on the
Wiki but perhaps some of it needs tidying up more.

>   * As we are all aware, SME has come to some age and needs some brush
>     up to be able to compete with the Synologies and QNAP's out there


>   * There was a time when I was ready to contribute a backup solution I
>     had written for my cusotmers, I could not get the "paperwork"
>     resolved within the time I had at hand and gave up

A shame. I hope you decide to have a go at something else, or assist in
bug fixing/triage/Verification etc

> From the posts in the near past I get the impression that there is not
> many people who consider themselves being "coders", still most of the
> discussion is about frameworks or programming languages. It also seems
> to be difficult to attract these kind if skills (coding) to the project.
> I'm sure there is many ideas how one could fix that, mine go along these
> lines:
>   * The over all target of what the project is trying to achieve must be
>     easily visible and attractive, i.e. why should I spend time on SME
>     if I can buy a NAS with all that functionality

Yup - I am trying to work on the Koozali site but have been delayed due
to personal circumstances. I hope that we can make some of this clear.

>   * Anyone who wants to contribute to the project must be able to do so
>     with minimal effort, i.e. move the sources to github where I can
>     fork and submit a pull request. This makes it easy for me to
>     contribute while it still leaves the power to decide what makes it
>     into the core to people in control of SME

We all agree Git would be nice, but most people do not realise how
tightly tied our buildsystem is to CVS. Moving to Git will be a MASSIVE
project and bearing in mind out limited manpower we have to make a
decision as to what comes first. If we can attract more developers and
sysadmins we can do more of this, but we currently only have a few hands.

>   * Provide clear requirements/statements towards functionality which
>     one can pick up and run, don't worry about language and framework
>     unless you are amongst the people who implement it

Yes, but this goes hand in hand (I think) with what framework we pick so
we can them provide this information

>   * Any modification to the core build packages should bring them as
>     close to the off the shelf underlying OS as possible, in other words
>     only add SME specific stuff where absolutely necessary

Indeed, and I think we are slowly going that way, though not as
radically as say Filippo did. We don't want to do more work than
absolutely necessary so we do consider this

>   * To maximize the benefit of the time you can spend on an unpaid
>     project, concentrate on tasks that match your skills

We do as best we can ! We have some excellent skills, but not enough of
them. We try to concentrate on what we believe is bet for both users and
the distro. As you can see, we don't all always agree, and it needs some
debate to work that out.

> I know this does not directly map to a migration to CentOS 7. However at
> some point the direction of where SME should go must be addressed, why
> not take such a change as a reason to do so.

The biggest issues currently are

Moving to CentOS 7
New server-manager framework
Move to git

Each of those have sub tasks and pros and cons. Do we build a new server
manager just on CentOS 7 ? Do we build it on CentOS 6, and then migrate
it all to CentOS 7 ? Which framework do we use ? Etc etc etc.

I am sure there is plenty more that I have missed but hope that answers
a little and gives a little insight.

If you have more questions or ideas then PLEASE fire away....

B. Rgds
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