Am 14.02.2016 um 22:59 schrieb John Crisp:
Hmmm .... that is the part that turned me off, the fighting about the
framework. Assuming the functional spec and a high level design of the
server manager are agreed to and signed off, do you really care which
framework is being used? As a developer I would preferrably use
something I already know to make maximum use of my time instead of being
forced to use something I've got no experience with. This is the
'atractive' part I was referring to in my last posting, tell the
developer what you need and leave the implementation details to him/her.

The issue is that the server-manager uses an old framework called
FormMagick that is both difficult/awkward to use and a barrier to a lot
of people writing contribs.

If you have tried to build a panel then you may know. If you have not
then I really suggest you give it a try to find out for yourself why we
are all agreed it needs changing. There are probably others here who
will give you a lot of good technical reasons why it should be changed.
Yes I did, the backup solution I mentioned earlier.
I think my statement was not as clear, it is not the discussion to replace the server-manager, with that I agree. It is the fighting about what framework is the correct one that turned me off. Jim McLaren put it nicely in his reply to this thread.

New server manager: As far as I can see the 'core' developers work in Perl. Unless others are prepared to take on their mantel, then we should go with what they suggest, and it is for that reason that I suggest we should go with mojo. Ideally everyone should pull together, I know, but sometimes the world isn't like that.

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