Am 14.02.2016 um 21:45 schrieb John Crisp:
The biggest issues currently are

Moving to CentOS 7
New server-manager framework
Move to git

Each of those have sub tasks and pros and cons. Do we build a new server
manager just on CentOS 7 ? Do we build it on CentOS 6, and then migrate
it all to CentOS 7 ? Which framework do we use ? Etc etc etc.
Hmmm .... that is the part that turned me off, the fighting about the framework. Assuming the functional spec and a high level design of the server manager are agreed to and signed off, do you really care which framework is being used? As a developer I would preferrably use something I already know to make maximum use of my time instead of being forced to use something I've got no experience with. This is the 'atractive' part I was referring to in my last posting, tell the developer what you need and leave the implementation details to him/her.

I am sure there is plenty more that I have missed but hope that answers
a little and gives a little insight.

If you have more questions or ideas then PLEASE fire away....

B. Rgds
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