On Thu, Oct 04, 2007, Maxim Veksler wrote about "Re: I'm Feeling that I'm 
> Guys, I believe that a single server change log + authorization ofeach
> system wide modification from the current authoritative server administrator
> would be the answer to all this jam. Please do Micromanagement just until
> you can relay on this person for 100% andthings will (should) go alright.
> Shachar, give him access.

Maybe Shachar wasn't clear enough, so let me try to explain what he meant.
Sorry about the sarcasm in what follows. But I simply don't see how any
"compromise" can work as long as Shachar continues to hold his beliefs:

Shachar believes that if something that he finds unnecessary gets installed
on the server, the server will go up in flames (or just become less stable,
less security, or god knows what). Ergo, Shlomi cannot install anything on
the machine (because by definition, anything that Shachar hasn't installed
already, he finds unnecessary).

Shachar doesn't believe a change log is a good idea - he doesn't write one
himself, and wouldn't expect Shlomi to.

Shachar believes that security is the *most important* consideration on this
server (over things like features, community and convenience). If Shlomi's
work increases the risk of breaking by epsilon, then it isn't worth it.

Shachar believes that a machine "administered by many people" equals zero
security. Further, he believes that two people are many people.

So, Maxim, on most servers, your suggestions would work perfectly (I've
seen them to work on at least two servers). But if the sysadmin holds
beliefs like I wrote above, I don't see how your suggestions could work...

Nadav Har'El                        |      Monday, Oct  8 2007, 26 Tishri 5768
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