Ira:  One can hardly help but notice that in his reply to Eddie, Stallman
once again passed up the opportunity to add your missing half sentence about
how much he really wanted to find a compromise instead, and how terribly
difficult the decision was for him to make.

But I have no doubt that must be what he was thinking...


On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Ira Abramov <>wrote:

> Sure, just like Obama's refusal to show his birth certificate was proof
> that he's a secret Muslim Kenyan communist. It speaks VOLUMES to people who
> prefer the voices in their heads, or look for conspiracy theories
> everywhere, or more likely just trying to build a straw man argument. Either
> way, you are jumping the gun.
> However, I suggested we wait and not pass judgement until we get more input
> from him.
> As I said, I have approached him, informed him that this is quickly blowing
> out of proportions, and suggested he delivers a slightly more detailed
> explanation than his laconic message yesterday. I am not saying you are
> wrong, I'm saying you are over-blowing this. It would take Glen Beck at
> least another week before he would call RMS a suicide bomber, but at your
> rate it would take you less than 24 hours.
> Cool down. let the man explain himself before you continue the smears.
> To criticize my actions is anyone's right.  However, what you are
>> doing is stretching my views into something else (which didn't come
>> from me) and claiming that makes me a liar.  That is not valid.
> Eddie got his reply it seems. I hope he'll reply to the rest of us soon.
> Ira
> 2011/5/29 Moshe Z. Matitya <>
>> But in point of fact, he did *not* add any such statement.  And that
>> omission speaks volumes.
>> 2011/5/29 Ira Abramov <>
>>> אם רק היה מוסיף חצי משפט שהוא ניסה להגיע להגיע לפשרה לפני שהגיע להחלטה,
>>> או שההחלטה לא קלה לו, היה יותר ברור מה קרה פה.
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