On Sep 30, 7:22 pm, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com>

> What is also needed is a whole lot more people volunteering. Any
> suggestions on how to get more people doing the entirely unglamorous,
> but completely necessary work will be gratefully accepted.

I'd like to suggest (1) easy to find and use pre-defined searches to
find tickets at each stage of triage, (2) a clearer indication of the
next steps and the person responsible for it whenever a ticket is
reviewed, and (3) tickets that have been sitting on DDN for a while be
put to a vote.

The "stage" is not just unreviewed, DDN, accepted, RFC, someday/maybe,
and fixed on a branch. The "accepted" stage itself is broken down into
has patch, needs docs, needs tests, patch needs improvement.

As an example, http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13291 and
http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/12398 both have a patch with docs
and tests, and were marked as "accepted" by a core committer (not that
it matters who reviewed them), without providing any actual feedback
and without stating that they need a better patch. These tickets are
fairly trivial and have been in limbo for 6-8 months.

As the original reporter and developer, I assumed that since these
tickets were reviewed by a core committer and "accepted" without any
feedback about needing a better patch, that they would be committed
shortly, or at least be moved to RFC shortly. These tickets are ideal
candidates for anyone doing triage (not only core committers) to
review and move to RFC, but they've been forgotten about by the
reviewer, assumed no further action was required by the developer, and
ignored in the sea of "accepted" tickets by everyone else.

So for (1), I'd like to see the how to contribute documentation asking
for people to triage specific sets of tickets with specific goals. For
example, to review tickets that are almost RFC and just waiting on
review (with a link to tickets that are accepted, with a patch that
has docs and tests and doesn't need improvement), or to review tickets
that just need docs or test (with links to appropriate searches), etc.

And for (2), I'd like to see tickets remember who reviewed them (who
accepted it, or who decided it needed a better patch, etc.) and for
the system to ping both the original reporter (or recently active
developer) and the reviewer after a period of inactivity. This should
hopefully catch tickets which are initially "accepted" and then
forgotten about.

Lastly I also have several tickets that have been DDN for 1-2 years,
so for (3), the reporter and recently active developers could be
notified that the DDN ticket will be put to a vote in say 1 or 2 weeks
time and allow them time to prepare any arguments or improved patch
that may sway the decision, or try to reach a consensus on django-
developers prior to the vote.

I've been working with Django for several years now and I have tried
to contribute useful tickets with patches including docs and tests
when possible, and it has at times been extremely discouraging to see
this effort go unnoticed for literally years without review (beyond a
passing glance to "accept" a ticket, in an attempt to reduce the
"unreviewed" backlog).

I've also felt that at busy times, some tickets that had merit but
didn't have an immediately apparent and elegant solution were rejected
simply save time leading up to a release.

I was pleased to see the recent announcement from Jacob about the
changes to the decision making process, but I think we also need to
improve the triage process so that tickets requiring action (including
decisions) can be directed to or found by the people responsible for
making those next steps happen.


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