On 23 oct. 2011, at 21:59, feel wrote:

> Hi, I wanted to propose a new possible feature in Django project that
> allows to sync the local folder with the remote one of the server
> defining all the configuration directly in settings.py.

Hi Filippo,

I'm not convinced we can build a sufficiently useful and generic solution on 
this basis. For instance, many people prefer going through a (D)VCS rather than 
copying files directly between the development and production machines — it 
becomes necessary as soon as there's more than one developer.

Furthermore, it's a different kind of program (systems administration, not web 
development) and there's no advantage to tie it to manage.py.

For these reasons, it don't think it's a good idea to include this feature in 

Standalone tools such as Fabric are designed just to address this problem 
space; you can probably find one that will suit your needs.

Thanks for the suggestion anyway!

Aymeric Augustin.

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