Full disclosure: I've helped maintain SQL Server Django engine packages in 
the past, and was involved in getting the project started for the official 
Microsoft Django engine package.

First, thanks to Warren and the folks from Microsoft for creating this 
backend. There are a fair amount of users that need a Microsoft SQL Server 
backend, and for years we've been having to shuttle between 
barely-maintained engines, forks, and pip installs to commit hashes while 
waiting for merges. It is less than ideal. Several big supporters of Django 
(The Wharton School, RedHat Ansible, to name two) have been among those 
looking for a solid backend solution for years. Microsoft has provided us a 
vastly improved option to what we'd been saddled with for the past decade.

The DB popularity index at db-engines.com has regularly listed the top four 
as Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL, in that order. I 
notice some comments in this thread about Microsoft being for-profit... 
well, what about Oracle? I don't see Oracle on the Support Django page 
either, yet two of their databases have support in core. MSSQL is the only 
one of the big-four RDBMS's without support in core Django. That seems to 
be a pretty big hole in Django's offering.

That said, I completely agree that the backend still needs work, and a 
solid commitment from Microsoft before being brought into core Django. I 
want to make sure Microsoft knows that many in our community appreciate 
their efforts in taking the lead on this backend: support for SQL Server in 
the Django ecosystem is far better than it ever has been in my eight years 
of being a Djangonaut. They have put a lot of time and effort into this 
project, and I think they're well on their way to where they need to be for 
the long-term goal of being in core Django.

A lot of the questions being asked of Microsoft in this thread just don't 
seem fair to me - we're not asking the same of Oracle, Redis Enterprise 
Software, or any of the other commercial products that Django has built-in 
support for. Why Microsoft and not the others?

Warm regards,


On Friday, April 1, 2022 at 8:39:17 AM UTC-4 Salman Mohammadi wrote:

> Hi,
> IMO, Django is there to create value for *its* users.
> I'm not aware how MS Team reached this conclusion that merging their 
> incomplete package into Django core creates more value for Django users 
> than when it is a third-party package. Would you please tell me how?
> I have access to only two resources to calculate the popularity of 
> mssql-django package, one of them is the last Django Survey,
> https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2022/jan/03/django-developers-survey-2021-results/
> and the other one is Github Stars. None of them show any sign that MS 
> package is even semi-popular among Django users. 
> We have many popular packages that are residing outside of Django core and 
> living happily their lives.
> Probably MS wants to use this merge as a marketing point for their MSSQL, 
> a proprietary software.
> At the end I, as a total outsider with no direct connection of any kind 
> with Django project, have nothing against merging MS package into core the 
> same way that we have Oracle backend. But before that, there are some 
> questions that need to addressed:
> 1. How can MS package create more value for Django users by getting merged 
> into main branch?
> 2. According to your internal spying tools, how popular is your package?
> 3. How can you guarantee the long-term sustainability of your package?
> 4. What are the previous involvements of MS Package contributors in Django?
> 5. How does MS support Django Project for its long-term fundraising goals?
> 6. Is MS Team ready to follow Django Project deadlines? Especially release 
> dates and critical bugs. 
> 7. How does MS support Django Fellows in helping them triaging the 
> tickets, related to MS package. 
> Cheers, Salman
> Am 31. März 2022 18:30:06 MESZ schrieb Warren Chu <vwa...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi All,
>> There is increasing interest within Microsoft to have stronger ties 
>> between Microsoft SQL Server and Django. As you may be aware, Microsoft and 
>> their connectivity teams have been managing the 3rd party backend for 
>> "mssql-django" for over a year now at: 
>> https://github.com/microsoft/mssql-django
>> Inclusion of SQL Server as a 1st party backend is viewed as a potential 
>> big milestone in that regard.
>> @adamjohnson mentioned a year ago that ideally the community would like 
>> to see multiple years of ongoing Microsoft support before considering 
>> merging as a 1st party backend.
>> We'd love to hear thoughts and feedback around the possibility of moving 
>> forward with a DEP enhancement proposal, with a commitment from Microsoft 
>> to providing continued dedicated support for the 1st party backend through 
>> the Django project itself (rather than the 3rd party repo).
>> Cheers,
>> Team Microsoft

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      • ... Carlton Gibson
    • ... Salman Mohammadi
      • ... Tim Allen
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          • ... Warren Chu
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        • ... Florian Apolloner
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