On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 8:52 PM, ydjango <neerash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was concerned that Ubuntu being a desktop OS might have some
> limitations which CENTOS or Debian being Server OS might not have.

AFAICT, there are very few differences between 'server' and 'desktop' distros:

- server distros don't have desktop environments (X, Gnome, KDE, etc).
 or rather, they shouldn't have.  that's what i don't like about RHEL,
they not only use Gnome tools for everything, but many of the docs
only include the GUI way to configure, not the CLI way.

- server distros are supported for longer times without version
upgrades of most components.  that makes for safe and 'no suprises'
updates, that include only bugfixes but no new features.

- small priority differences in optimizations and kernel
configuration.  like using different schedulers, swappinnes, LVS,
bigmem (now rendered moot by 64-bit)

For the first one, you could simply start in runlevel 3 for most
distros, and X wouldn't be started, avoiding the desktop overhead.
Ubuntu Server simply lets you install without X by default.  Roughly
every fourth release is called 'LTS', meaning that it will get long
term support via apt.  The last one is simply configurations, so it's
doable on any Linux out there; but it's nicer to have a good enough

In short, Ubuntu server is just as 'server-like' as CentOS, or even
more if you (like me) want it to be free of X. (yes, i know you can
install RHEL and CentOS without X, but it's not the default)


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