> There are some cases where they send me Indesign, but when I export to HTML
> some of the layouts break. So then I have to manually rig it until I feel
> its close enough (but then it turns out it wasn't, so I mod again). Some
> imagemaps made from sliced up Photoshops with some cute rollover effects
> added on. And then some of the Articles form sequential "stories", so they
> need linking in between to make them feel seamless.
> The major point is that I have small bundles of files that are very
> interconnected, and keeping them close and organized makes the
> reviewing/editing/handling process much easier. Most of my hacking has been
> from KomodeIDE, and then VIM/SSH (and thats even when Im doing the design
> work!). Im having a hard time breaking away from the direct editing.

So it sounds like a model like this would work:

def BundleFiles(models.Model):
    file = models.FileField()
    articlw = models.ManyToMany(Article)
    # or maybe article = models.ForeignKey(Article)

def Article(models.Model):
     html = models.TextField() #for the end product
    # or html = models.FileField()
cssfile = models.FileField() #this can be abstracted out to it's own
model if used across many articles
     previous = models.FK(Article, blank = True, null= True)
     next = models.FK(Article, blank = True, null= True)

See how these are more like folders to hold each set of info. For the
final product/page, you would need to write appropriate views and
methods that extracted the important bits and put them in the
appropriate places.

>> > I think that splitting each article into it's own app sounds like a
>> > disaster waiting to happen.
> I agree, thats why I posted here. I am already starting to see the
> problems... I have started breaking the DRY principle, and its not looking
> much better. The good news right now, is that my repeats are within close
> proximity on the filesytem, so Im not rooting all over the place just yet.
> The only major burden is a project-wide navigation map that has to be
> properly updated and sequenced (still doin that one by hand).
> On a good note:
> I did find an App called django-media-tree that made me feel a little
> better. It should be easy enough for my guys to feed the projects in there,
> and maybe I implement an Article-Bundler to help the push/pull process. And
> then when I need to do my editing, I can set up a temporary staging
> directory that checks out a bundle, I edit, and then it parses it back in.
> But I still find myself creating bare apps with some crazy model defined
> that only has 1 table row.
> --
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...we look at the present day through a rear-view mirror. This is
something Marshall McLuhan said back in the Sixties, when the world
was in the grip of authentic-seeming future narratives. He said, “We
look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards
into the future.”


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