Please define "fault".  Also "lookup".  I doubt I'm the only one who
doesn't understand what you mean by these words.

A lookup is a callout, a shim, a hook, a "blackbox" query, a "function generator" and so on. In this case, the lookup is a DNS-based query. We can today offer a practical functional process model as so:

    Result  = CheckSigningPractice(ADID [, SDID])


    ADID is the required Author Domain Identity, and
    SDID is the optional Signer Domain Identity.

Note, I used the optional parameter prologue definition since that is what we have today and we are trying to get SDID back into the lookup algorithm which MAY be a non-DNS algorithm as well. That is what you are trying to do. I am saying you need a fallback with the DKIM-Delegate idea, so at best, it a short circuiting optimization concept.

The functional concepts are described and outlined in various documents developed over the years, including the RFC documents referenced in DKIM RFC6376 section 1.1:

   1.1.  DKIM Architecture Documents

   Readers are advised to be familiar with the material in [RFC4686],
   [RFC5585], and [RFC5863], which provide the background for the
   development of DKIM, an overview of the service, and deployment and
   operations guidance and advice, respectively.

The three documents are:

   RFC4686  Analysis of Threats Motivating DKIM
   RFC5585  DKIM Service Overview
   RFC5863  DKIM Development, Deployment, and Operations

Review the documents to get a functional understanding of the entire DKIM layered framework. Fundamentally, the lookup in RFC4686 was conceptualized as "Sender Signing Practices Query" (SSP):

                      |       SIGNATURE CREATION        |
                      |  (Originating or Relaying AU)   |
                      |                                 |
                      |   Sign (Message, Domain, Key)   |
                      |                                 |
                                       | - Message (Domain, Key)
     +-----------+    |     SIGNATURE VERIFICATION      |
     |           |    |  (Relaying or Delivering AU)    |
     |    KEY    |    |                                 |
     |   QUERY   +--->|  Verify (Message, Domain, Key)  |
     |           |    |                                 |
     +-----------+    +----------------+----------------+
                                       |  - Verified Domain
     +-----------+                     V  - [Report]
     |  SENDER   |    +----------------+----------------+
     |  SIGNING  |    |                                 |
     | PRACTICES +--->|        SIGNER EVALUATION        |
     |   QUERY   |    |                                 |
     |           |    +---------------------------------+

This model still applies as well as the model in RFC5585 where it was conceptualized as a "Check Signing Practices" (CSP) module, component, "blackbox" concept:

                    |- RFC5322 Message
     |  Message Signed?               |
           |yes                  |no
           |                     |
           |                     |
           |                     |
           V                     |
     +-------------+             |
     |  Verify     +---------+   |
     |  Signature  |         |   |
     +------+------+         |   |
        pass|            fail|   |
            V                |   |
     +-------------+         |   |
     | Assessments |         |   |
     |             |         V   V
     +-----+--+----+      +-------+
         |    |          / Check   \
         |    +-------->/  Signing  \
         |             /   Practices \
         |            +-------+-------+
         |                    |
         V                    V

For describing "fault," it is semantically more complex since its a system level security concept but also a well understood concept among industry peers across various technical and communications fields including automated process control concepts, artificial intelligence concepts like expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networking, robotics and yes IETF protocol client/server engineering.

If you have a "series of steps" for an operation, you look for faults, holes, inconsistencies, "errors" in that operation -- in short, protocol faults would be threat entry points. They become threat entry points if you don't watch for these basic conditions:

   - no mail expected,
   - only 1st party signature expected,
   - any valid signature is expected,
   - only 1st party or authorized 3rd party.

At best, DKIM-Delegate allows a reduction for lookups, but not eliminating them. This mean that verifiers must now have fallback and migration complexities, more coding. It might be worth to explore as an optimizer. Definitely, not a replacement.

The policy is X, but Y is seen.  The payload can be
DKIM-Delegate compliant but the actual policy is exclusive
and doesn't allow it.

You're thinking about a case where one or more unprivileged users at
the first party have been cracked, and mail that dkim-delegate
authenticates is being sent through 3rd parties but shouldn't be?

Its below all that. The logic is detecting a fault in the domain policy declaration and mail operation expectation compared to what is actually detected. A condition expected did not happen. What will be done about it?

The power of the DKIM+POLICY framework since its invention comes from the detection of these enforceable failure points and taking enforcement action when the domain has declared such enforcement. If not enforced, then we have reduced payoff, increase security problems, high processing wastes.


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