> Who knows? Perhaps Yahoo and AOL would suffer "user diaspora" if they
 > kept publishing p=reject and MLMs decided to be DMARC-compliant when 
> reinjecting messages.

I see a lot of "Yahoo and AOL did this", "Yahoo and AOL don't care", "Yahoo and 
AOL pushed their problems onto everyone else", etc. I don't think it's useful 
to blame Yahoo and AOL for everything. What happens when Hotmail.com, 
outlook.com, and gmail.com start publishing p=reject? Are we going to say "The 
big four email providers pushed their problems onto everyone else" ?

Then, if other big email providers in non-American markets (mail.ru, orange.fr, 
etc.) start doing it, are we going to say "Everyone but me pushes their 
problems onto the smaller providers" ?

-- Terry

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