On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 2:04 PM [GMT+1=CET], Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> J. Gomez suggests:
> > > >     That would force DMARC-compliant Mediators to reject (or accept
> > > >     but not resend) incoming email from p=reject domains, 
> > > >     irrespective of whether such mail passes or not the initial
> > > >     incoming DMARC checks.
> Something about having mediators (ie, non-MTAs) implement this check
> was bothering me.  I realized that the nagging thought was the
> *Mediator* doesn't have to do it.

How is a Mediator not an MTA (among other things)? Didn't we agree that a 
Mediator is an actor that does both the role of Receiver (MTA-based) and the 
role of Originator (MTA-based)?

Original Originator ==> [ Mediator's Receiver role -> Mediator's internal 
process -> Mediator's Originator role ] ==> Final Receiver.

The important point is that "Mediator's Originator role" SHOULD NOT inject 
DMARC-rejectable messages into the public email infrastructure (but I don't 
care if the Mediator rejects[*] those messages at the point "Mediator's 
Receiver role", or at the point "Mediator's internal process", or at the point 
"Mediator's Originator role"; that is an implementation detail specific to each 

[*] I don't care also if the Mediator *rejects* those messages, or *forwards* 
them to /dev/null, or *transforms* them into non DMARC-rejectable messages. The 
point is: Mediator SHOULD NOT inject DMARC-rejectable messages into the public 
email infrastructure[**], how they achieve that is 100% up to them to 

[**] And if they do inject them, then such Mediator SHOULD be labeled and non 
DMARC-compliant and the DMARC specification SHOULD spell out clearly that doing 
such a thing is a VIOLATION of the DMARC specification. (Keep in mind DMARC is 
not mandatory for SMTP, so email actors can always choose to be or not to be 


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