Murray S. Kucherawy writes:

 > we'd need to see some hope that widespread deployment is likely.
 > But we still have that pesky registration problem to deal with.

IMO there is no registration problem for mailing lists for this WG.

True, if big p=reject domains won't buy in, it's probably not worth
our effort to even think about it.  But if they *are* willing to buy
in, registering a *lot* of mailing lists, probably the great majority,
requires only parsing the List-Post header out of incoming posts, then
adding this to a global list or to the subscriber's profile.

Indeed, registration itself is a cost, a small amount of storage space
per user, a user database schema change I suppose, plus the changes to
the MTA (or MUA or MDA/submission agent) to hook into the user data
base to update the users' lists of lists and access them for third-
party authorization.  But these aren't huge changes, the costs can be
estimated reasonably accurately I suppose, and I doubt they are

This automated registration scheme may provide a vector for abuse (the
spammer can get any address registered they like), but in the per-user
case it's limited to one user, and only posts originating in the
Author Domain can get the authorizing signature.  Paranoid Author
Domains might even overlay an "explicit opt-in" scheme to reduce the
attack surface.  Getting lists that don't provide List-Post would
require some manual scheme, but I don't see that as a huge barrier

The point is not that *we* should "standardize" such a scheme, just
that it's feasible to automatically register enough of the lists
actually in use by a domain's mailbox users to be worthwhile.  For
mailing lists, registration is not *our* problem.

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