In article <> 
you write:
>I certainly concur with Brandon here - changing ARC algorithm looks like
>a very messy proposition, I expect you'd pretty much have to do a window
>where both the old and new algorithm were supported - with a dealine
>where the old algorithm gets treated like a broken link. ...

Complex technical approach:

Invent a new ps= tag for peer selector.  If using two signing
algorithms, add two AS and AMS headers with the same d= but different
s=, one for each algorithm, each with a ps= pointing to the other
header, and each signature covering both headers, and you have to
check when signing and validating that the ps= in this header matches
the s= in the other.  The chain is valid if either AS is valid.

Simple administrative approach:

Stall ARC for a few more months until we can get ed25519 into the
libraries, then adjust the document to make it MUST verify both.


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