In article <> 
you write:
>On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 11:36 AM Seth Blank <seth=
>> wrote:
>> We have a session on the books for IETF108, and would like suggestions
>> from the group for the agenda, otherwise the chairs will choose relevant
>> topics. Items in tickets or from the past month are all fair game.
>Based on the recent discussions that have been happening, I think that
>there are two key topics that should be hashed out in the F2F:
>   1. Jim Fenton's ask to develop a threat model; along with this I think
>   we need to more tightly defined the problem statement
>   2. Is the goal of this WG to "get DMARC onto the standard track" or is
>   it to "solve the spam problem"?

I would hope that we'd all agree that the answer to the second question is 


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