On Wed 29/Jul/2020 19:34:48 +0200 Hector Santos wrote:
On 7/28/2020 1:19 PM, Doug Foster wrote:
Hector, I do not understand this comment:

"The DKIM Policy Model since ADSP lacked the ability to authorize 3rd party domains. DMARC did not address the problem and reason ADSP was abandoned. Hence the on-going dilemma."


We have DKIM Policy extension proposals like ATPS (RFC6541) that offers a deterministic method to associate the author domain with 3rd party signer domains.   This authorization is defined by the Originating, Author Domain.

Look at my DMARC record for my isdg.net domain:

v=DMARC1; p=reject; atps=y; rua=mailto:dmarc-...@isdg.net; ruf=mailto:dmarc-...@isdg.net;

The atps=y tells an ATPS compliant receiver that if it sees a 3rd party domain signature:

   Author Domain IS NOT EQUAL TO Signer Domain

Then it can do a ATPS look:


So if I wanted to authorized bayviewphysicians.com to be able to sign for me, I would go to the wizard https://secure.winserver.com/public/wcdmarc,  enter your domain in the list of authorized signers, click Zone Record and I get a record I can add to my isdg.net zone:

e25dhs2vmyjf2tc2df4efpeu7js7hbik._atps  TXT ("v=atps01; 

So anyone out there can see that I authorized bayviewphysicians.com to sign for isdg.net

Isn't that overly complicated? Why SHA1? An alternative method to authorize 3rd parties is RHSWLs, see my previous post[*]. By comparison with the above quote, assume we have:

    From: some...@example.com
    Sender: a...@example.net

The DMARC record at example.com:

    v=DMARC1; p=reject; snd=lst.rhswl.example; rua=mailto:r...@example.com;

The snd=lst.rhswl.example tells a compliant receiver that if it sees a 3rd party authentication (either SPF or DKIM) of the Sender domain:, where:

    From: domain IS NOT EQUAL TO Sender: domain

Then it can do a right-hand side whitelist lookup:


If the record exists, then example.net is authorized to send on behalf of example.com.


* Absence of cryptographic stuff (sha1) makes it simpler.

* A multi-domain bank (Autumn's example) can easily build its own RHSWL containing all and only their domains, e.g.:

  firstbrand.com.lst.mainbrand.com  IN A
  secondbrand.com.lst.mainbrand.com IN A

* Large free-email domains can build their own RHSWL so as to avoid the MLM problem.

* Lazy mail domains can easily point to a public RHSWL which lists almost all the legitimate Internet.

* Strictly transactional domains can still keep snd=none (the default).

* Experimenting domains can have p=none; snd=lst.in-progress.example; while they monitor aggregate reports to see how their list is doing.


[*] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dmarc/jQlUhE-ijiWeb1CybKy6367eVn8

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