On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 1:24 PM John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> In article <2ef8e773e7bf467481a05ab3fc4d9...@bayviewphysicians.com> you
> write:
> >>Even an external reputation system requires recipient participation.
>  That is why I suggested both a send3="parameters" clause to
> >indicate sender support for third-party authorization and a
> verify3="parameters" clause to indicate recipient support for third-party
> >authentication.    When both are visible to the non-domain message
> source, that source can have confidence that the message will be
> >handled as authorized.
> We have had a lot of attempts at third-party authorization schemes
> going back at least to vouch-by-reference in 2009 and ATPS in 2012,
> and the Spamhaus Whitelist in 2010.  Every single one of them failed,
> not due to technical problems, but because nobody was interested.
> The only third party reputation systems that anyone uses are DNSBLs
> like Spamhaus that publish negative reputations, and even there you
> can count the ones with non-trivial use on the fingers of one hand.
> With this in mind, I cannot see any point in designing yet another
> vouching or authorization scheme unless we have evidence that an
> interesting fraction of the world's mail systems want to use it. I
> don't see that, and honestly see no chance that we ever will.
> R's,
> John

Michael Hammer
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