This all looks workable to me, if it can gain support from senders, recipients, 
and mailing lists.

But as I have said before, the last part of the protocol needs to be a way for 
the mediator to know that the recipient will accept the message.   This could 
be because:
Recipient honors conditional signatures (or any other future third-party 
authorization system.)Recipient has whitelisted the mailing list, so DMARC will 
not be enforced against the list.Recipient does not enforce DMARC at all.
The first option is the most complicated, because it requires the list to 
change behavior based on both sender and recipient configuration.   The latter 
two only require knowledge of the recipient configuration, and could be 
implemented today.   But early in this discussion, John implied that 
recipient-specific tailoring of the From address is outside the capabilities of 
modern mailing lists.   To get IETF backing, the signalling between lists and 
recipients also needs to scale, which implies a high level of automation.

Is there any way to solve this part of the problem?


From: "John Levine" <>
Sent: 8/30/20 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] draft-levine-dkim-conditional-04, was third party 
authorization, not, was non-mailing list
In article <> you write:
>But what I was getting at is that the "weak" signature might not have to
>be any different from any other DKIM signature (except possibly to
>specify the authorized mediator). It's just that a verifier might fully
>verify the mediator's signature, and verify the original signature but
>not check to see if the body hash matches. ...

I just sent in a slightly refreshed version of my conditional signature draft
which says exactly that.

It's not very different from the orginal version I sent in over six years ago.


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