On Thursday, September 23, 2021 3:03:39 AM EDT Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 1:59 PM Scott Kitterman <skl...@kitterman.com>
> wrote:
> > I can comment on the status of PSD.
> Please do!

There is progress, but it is still early to expect much in the way of 
information.  Keep in mind that RFC 9091 is less than two months old.

As most of you will probably recall from the discussion around PSD DMARC, the 
ICANN managed TLDs (essentially everything except ccTLDs and a few special 
cases like .mil and .gov) require permission to publish via non-IETF 

I'm aware of three PSDs which currently publish records.  Both .gov.uk and 
.mil have had records published for some time.  Additionally, .police.uk 
published a record in July of this year.  I understand that .gov plans to 
publish their record this month.

Until we see publication from an ICANN managed TLD, I don't think we'll have 
enough variety to seriously begin the assessments contemplated in the 
experiment section of RFC 9091, so it's difficult to predict how soon we will 
have conclusions.  This isn't the right place to go into details on non-IETF 

Based on what I've heard so far, the PSD records are being queried and there 
is some feedback reporting, so I'm confident we'll get data once we get a 
little further on deployment.

If anyone is aware of others, please let me know.

Scott K

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