On Wed 01/Jun/2022 16:19:10 +0200 Todd Herr wrote:
On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 6:27 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

The point of domain level authentication, stressed by DMARC by requiring alignment, is that hosting domains provide mail servers for both incoming and outgoing messages. The old habit of sending out mail through ISPs had
to be abandoned.  If Fastmail was contracted by Verisign to send mail for
*.name users, they could virtualize their service as well. >
DMARC makes no such request of anyone deploying DMARC to support use of
their domain.

Eh? Of course, you consider that /use of domain/ doesn't include publishing DNS records. (I thought a domain consisted of nothing else...)

I spent years working for SparkPost, and while we sent billions of messages
on behalf of our customers, we most assuredly did not require that we
accept any inbound mail for them, and a number of them deployed DMARC just

The act of DKIM-signing messages using a domain aligned with the domain in
the visible From: header requires no hosting of inbound mail for that
domain, but will result in a DMARC pass if the DKIM signature validates.

Even in the cases where the Return-Path domain aligned with the From:
domain, it was a subdomain of the From: domain (e.g., bounces.foo.com for
Return-Path, foo.com for From) so that asynchronous bounces could be
captured and suppressed. We never accepted mail for per...@foo.com, or

Thank you for pinpointing the exact DMARC requirements. My assertion that hosting domains must provide servers also for outgoing mail wasn't mean to imply that they have to do that in-house. I know ESPs exist.

What I wanted to stress is that users of a domain name, people who somewhat identify themselves with that domain without having admin power on it, need that domain to support incoming and outgoing mail setting. Of course, the admin can outsource any part of that job. Letting users set up outsourcing provisions on their own should not be admissible.


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