Ale writes (in part):

>>>     dmarc-rfmt      = Keyword *(*WSP ":" Keyword)
>>>                       ; registered reporting formats only
>>>   "Keyword" is imported from Section 4.1.2 of [RFC5321].

>After 7 years, there is still only afrf.  What do we expect?

IODEF to rise from the grave? STIX/TAXII adoption? AFRF certainly isn't the 
be-all, end-all of reporting formats; it is, however, the only format that's 
been widely accepted. Report format is only marginally less useful than URI 
scheme; https scheme report targets are in the low single digits in our 
scanning; I count as many entries for the "charles" URI scheme as I do https... 
How many reporting implementations even cover HTTPS delivery?

BUT, in the future, having to update the entire DMARC RFC just to re-add a 
flexible report format or URI target is a much bigger pain than keeping what 
seems now to be a useless secondary definition.


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