I am all about simpler ABNF


Simple Tim

On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 10:03 PM John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:

> Here's my alternate take: make the ABNF a lot simpler to
> reflect the actual loose syntax.
>     dmarc-record    = dmarc-version *(*WSP ";" *WSP dmarc-tag) *WSP *%x3b
>     dmarc-tag       = 1*ALPHA %WSP '=' *WSP 1*dmarc-value
>     dmarc-value     = %x20-3a | %x3c-7e ; any printing chars but semicolon
>     dmarc-version   = "v" *WSP "=" *WSP %x44 %x4d %x41 %x52 %x43 %x31
> Don't waste ABNF defining the tag names. Just define the values for
> the various tags:
> >     dmarc-request   = ( "none" / "quarantine" / "reject" )
> >
> >     dmarc-test      = ( "y" / "n" )
> >
> >     dmarc-psd       = ( "y" / "n" )
> >
> >     dmarc-sprequest = ( "none" / "quarantine" / "reject" )
> >
> >     dmarc-nprequest  = ( "none" / "quarantine" / "reject" )
> >
> >     dmarc-adkim     = ( "r" / "s" )
> >
> >     dmarc-aspf      = ( "r" / "s" )
> >
>     dmarc-uri       = URI
>                       ; "URI" is imported from [RFC3986]; commas (ASCII
>                       ; 0x2C) and exclamation points (ASCII 0x21)
>                       ; MUST be encoded
> >     dmarc-auri      = dmarc-uri *(*WSP "," *WSP dmarc-uri)
> >
> >     dmarc-furi      = dmarc-uri *(*WSP "," *WSP dmarc-uri)
> >
> >     dmarc-fo        = ( "0" / "1" / ( "d" / "s" / "d:s" / "s:d" ) )
> >
> >     dmarc-rfmt      = Keyword *(*WSP ":" Keyword)
> >                       ; registered reporting formats only
> >
> >   "Keyword" is imported from Section 4.1.2 of [RFC5321].
> >
> >   dmarc-test      = ( "y" / "n" )
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