It appears that Alessandro Vesely  <> said:
>On Tue 07/Jun/2022 04:03:35 +0200 John Levine wrote:
>> Here's my alternate take: make the ABNF a lot simpler to
>> reflect the actual loose syntax.
>>      dmarc-record    = dmarc-version *(*WSP ";" *WSP dmarc-tag) *WSP *%x3b
>>      dmarc-tag       = 1*ALPHA %WSP '=' *WSP 1*dmarc-value
>>      dmarc-value     = %x20-3a | %x3c-7e ; any printing chars but semicolon
>>      dmarc-version   = "v" *WSP "=" *WSP %x44 %x4d %x41 %x52 %x43 %x31
>> Don't waste ABNF defining the tag names. Just define the values for
>> the various tags:
>The last rule specifies that "v" stands for version.  The following rules omit 
>that point.  How do you specify "p" for dmarc-request, "t" for dmarc-test, and 
>the like?

In a table in the text.  They're all strings of letters 1*ALPHA

>>      dmarc-uri       = URI
>>                        ; "URI" is imported from [RFC3986]; commas (ASCII
>>                        ; 0x2C) and exclamation points (ASCII 0x21)
>>                        ; MUST be encoded
>If we get rid of size limits, this comment needs to be amended.

For backward compatibility we should allow the limits even if reporters ignore 

>>>     dmarc-rfmt      = Keyword *(*WSP ":" Keyword)
>>>                       ; registered reporting formats only
>>>   "Keyword" is imported from Section 4.1.2 of [RFC5321].
>After 7 years, there is still only afrf.  What do we expect?

Since it turns out that almost nobody sends failure reports, I expect nothing 
will change.


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