On Mon 27/Jun/2022 15:54:51 +0200 John R Levine wrote:
Please recall what you said in April:

   How about if we say that if the initial domain has psd=y, that's the org
   domain and you don't look anywhere else.  That is easy to explain and I
   don't think we are likely to find anything that better matches the
   expectations of people who send mail from PSDs.

I thought about it some more and changed my mind.  That occasionally happens.

Right, but how about discussing the merit of it?

What can one find continuing the walk after psd=y?

For example, let's consider an imaginary bank, com.bank, say. They use that domain as corporate domain, and have a DMARC record. They also delegate zones to local subsidiaries. One of them, uk.com.bank in turn delegates to other banks in the UK and sends mail like uk.com. So you may end up having a DMARC record at each level:

bank -> psd=y,
com.bank -> psd=n or psd=u (for private use),
uk.com.bank -> psd=y.

Does our model support that?  How else should they set their records up?


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