It appears that Scott Kitterman  <> said:
>The PSD definition is probably overlong already:
>> 3.2.8.  Public Suffix Domain (PSD)
>>    The global Internet Domain Name System (DNS) is documented in
>>    numerous RFCs.  It defines a tree of names starting with root, ".",
>>    immediately below which are Top-Level Domain names such as ".com" and
>>    ".us".  The domain name structure consists of a tree of names, each
>>    of which is made of a sequence of words ("labels") separated by
>>    period characters.  The root of the tree is simply called ".".  The
>>    Internet community at large, through processes and policies external
>>    to this work, selects points in this tree at which to register domain
>>    names "owned" by independent organizations.  Real-world examples of
>>    these points are ".com", ".org", ".us", and "".  Names at
>>    which such registrations occur are called "Public Suffix Domains
>>    (PSDs)", and a registration consists of a label selected by the
>>    registrant to which a desirable PSD is appended.  For example,
>>    "" is a registered domain name, and ".org" is its PSD.

I would chop a lot of that out.  If people don't already know how DNS names
work, they're not going to be able to use DMARC.

>My thought is to add text based on the above mail to the paragraph:
>PSDs are important to DMARC because subdomains of a PSD are different 
>organizations and subdomains of non-PSDs are part of the same organization.

That seems OK.


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