On Wed, 29 Jun 2022, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
Would you please show an example, realistic or not, where not stopping for psd=y in step 2 leads to a useful result?

Keeping in mind that this is an arcane corner case that affects perhaps a few hundred of the 100,000 domains that are likely to publish DMARC records, and it doesn't matter in practice:

A site for aficionados of various kinds of pets:

_dmarc.petlovers.com p=reject psd=u
_dmarc.cats.petlovers.com psd=y
_dmarc.dogs.petlovers.com psd=y

A message from management:

From: fe...@cats.petlovers.com
DKIM-Signature: d=petlovers.com
Subject: Dogs are bad

I'm not saying this is particularly likely, but it's no less likely than any other contrived psd=y scenario so I hope we can stop now and move on to something more important.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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