On Sat 16/Jul/2022 18:12:14 +0200 John Levine wrote:
It appears that Alessandro Vesely  <ves...@tana.it> said:
No, it's not an accident.  We designed the tree walk based on our knowledge of 
the way people publish DMARC records.

I don't understand this unwearying opposition irrespective of the
argument.  If you do a tree walk NOW (which is why I said currently)
you have exactly 0 probability to determine an abnormal PSD, since the
tag hasn't been assigned yet.

Indeed, and even so the tree walk gets the right answer nearly 100% of
the time, right now.

PSDs are rare, "abnormal" PSDs are even rarer.  The PSD tag is in arcane nit.

While I'm not opposed to the psd tags, I really wish people would get
some perspective. The amount of mail they affect is tiny, the amount
affected by uber-nits like whether a PSD can be an org domain is too
small to waste so much time on.

What are the odds that malloc() returns NULL?  Do you always check it?


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