It appears that Alessandro Vesely  <> said:
>> Indeed, and even so the tree walk gets the right answer nearly 100% of
>> the time, right now.
>> PSDs are rare, "abnormal" PSDs are even rarer.  The PSD tag is in arcane nit.
>> While I'm not opposed to the psd tags, I really wish people would get
>> some perspective. The amount of mail they affect is tiny, the amount
>> affected by uber-nits like whether a PSD can be an org domain is too
>> small to waste so much time on.
>What are the odds that malloc() returns NULL?  Do you always check it?

I can only guess what this total non-sequitur is supposed to mean.

Yes, we should properly account for PSD's in the tree walk. No, we
should not waste even more time arguing about it.

If you believe there are situations where the currently specified tree
walk gets the wrong result, please give us a worked out example showing
all of the domains and DMARC records involved.  Otherwise, please stop.


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