On Wed 10/Aug/2022 15:02:39 +0200 Barry Leiba wrote:
This list saves From: in X-Original-From:.  It'd cost nothing to switch to
Author: instead.  The arc list, however, saves it by appending to Reply-To:.
The point is to agree on a field name.  Author: seems the most promising one.

Now, everybody complains about how From: munging ruined their habits.  Yet, the
minimal effort required to restore it is deemed out of the question.  It sound
like a tantrum, an excuse to hold that DMARC ruined the MHS and MUST NOT be 

Yeh, I have to take serious issue with this:
It's not a "tantrum" to say that it's not reasonable to require all
mailing list software and every mailing list in the world to change
what's worked for decades in order to work around a problem caused by
use of a new standard in a way that new standard wasn't designed to be

I know it wasn't DMARC's intention.  But it happened.

I want to see the Proposed Standard version of DMARC to make it
abundantly and normatively clear what the intent of p=reject is and
when it should and should not be used (whether that be at a SHOULD NOT
or MUST NOT level is something we need to decide).  It's not a
tantrum; it's how we write standards: we avoid having them break
long-established use whenever we can.

I'd say SHOULD NOT. That way we gain plenty of space to explain why a bunch of mailbox providers ignore that recommendation.


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