It seems is suffering a DNS issue at the moment; it'll hopefully sorted out in a few hours, but until then the forum may be unreachable.


ghostlands wrote on 08/02/18 15:37:
I don't really do IRC, mainly because most development channels are on Freenode 
- Freenode famously blocks Tor unilaterally. You pretty much cannot get on 
Freenode via Tor without some proxy gymnastics. Freenode blocks a lot of other 
proxies as well, so even that is a significant hurdle. I'm not sure how it 
handles VPNs but I don't have any of those they couldn't help in my case anyway.

I was just hoping an admin could set me up an account and afterwards I could 
change the password! Lol. I don't need anyone to re-code the spam blocking 

Honestly it seems like a decent interim solution to just suggest that Tor users 
must contact an admin to set up an account. I personally don't mind the extra 
step at all.

Thanks to everyone for discussing this though.


-------- Original Message --------
 On February 3, 2018 10:55 PM,  <> wrote:

On 2018-02-03 16:32, Adam Borowski wrote:
On Sat, Feb 03, 2018 at 12:38:49PM -0600, wrote:
On 2018-02-03 11:18, wrote:
On 02/03/2018 07:14 AM, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
..some people HAVE to use Tor, because their lives depends on it.
..and, we need a backup plan whenever Tor fails.
Again a life and death issue.
And there should not ever be a debate as to if someone "needs" it.
Asking a few simple questions about the distro would be an effective
spam filter without discrimination.
Our spam setup has blocked about 29700 spammers in the last year and
not one
spammer has gotten through.  Only about a dozen folks have had
registering.  So our system is effective and not going anywhere. We
have questions BTW and before we upgraded our line of defense,
spammers were
still getting through.
Including "please ask on IRC for registration" in the error message
like a good alternative for those who for whatever reason believe they
to use Tor (be their fear warranted or not, it's not our duty to

Great minds! We just now decided to send them to freenode IRC #d1g-users
in that automated message.  I'm hoping to see 'ghostlands' pop up there

An automated exception system takes hours to code, and, as you just
mentioned, was not 100% effective.  A human, on the other hand, has
detection of all bulk abuse attempts, and will let through at most an
individual abuser, who could have easily registered anyway.

Ralph is a wizard at cobbling anti-spam stuff together. It has, with a
few exceptions, been trouble-free and 100% effective. I may be wrong but
iirc the setup didn't take that long to put in place. (golinux sends
some virtual ice cream to Ralph.)


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