On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 10:02:34AM +0100, KatolaZ wrote:
> On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 08:51:31AM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> [cut]
> > 
> > 
> > ..how about fixing Devuan BTS, instead of whining about me 
> > reporting things that _appear_ broken to me?:
> Is this the normal way you interact with an open-source community, or
> are you making some special effort to look mean just for Devuan? :\
> > ~$ reportbug edb
> > *** Welcome to reportbug.  Use ? for help at prompts. ***
> > Note: bug reports are publicly archived (including the email address of
> > the submitter). Detected character set: UTF-8
> > Please change your locale if this is incorrect.
> > 
> > Using 'arnt <a...@iaksess.no>' as your from address.
> > Getting status for edb...
> > A package named "edb" does not appear to be installed; do you want to
> > search for a similar-looking filename in an installed package
> > [Y|n|q|?]? n Getting available info for edb... Please enter the version
> > of the package this report applies to (blank OK)
> > > 1.13-3
> > Will send report to Devuan (per lsb_release).
> > Querying Devuan BTS for reports on edb (source)...
> > Unable to connect to Devuan BTS (error: "NoNetwork()"); continue
> > [y|N|?]? 
> >
> Now the BTS is broken...except it ain't broken (and the fact that many
> users have been able to use it should be a hint). It's just telling
> you that it can't retrieve the list of bugs related to that
> package. That's because the "feature" is currently disabled. Just hit
> "y" and continue with your bug report. The list of bugs related to a
> package can be retrieved from bugs.devuan.org

To be fair, the error message does suggest that the bug tracking system 
is inaccessible instead of that everything's OK instead of a minor 
disabled feature.
> > ..edb is broken too, and breaks emacs25 installs if present.
> > emacs25 installs fine, once you remove edb.
> >
> I'll tell you something incredible: you are not the only Devuan user,
> and not all Emacs users in ASCII want emacs25. edb might break emacs25
> but does not break emacs24. 

Which is why the emacs package is properly dependent on emacs24 instead 
of emacs25.

> The breakage here comes from the Debian emacs team, who tried to do
> three things in one go and managed to do less than one.  Your bug
> report should better be submitted there, if you want it to be
> useful. We don't have a team of 20 people in charge of packaging emacs
> and emacs-related stuff, unfortunately...

I've been looking into enabling golang autocompletion for emacs on my 
system.  It's probably trivial to do, but not so trivial to figure out 
what trivia need to be done from the online emacs documentation.  Not to 
worry.  I'll figure it out.  But I understand about it maybe taking 20 

-- hendrik
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