On Sun, 8 Jul 2018 05:09:36 +0200
Adam Borowski <kilob...@angband.pl> wrote:

> Do not use the words "USB" and "disk" together, please -- in any
> context that involves basic reliability, and, especially, not
> corrupting data.

I understand there are problems with USB sticks, but what's wrong with
that connection for a drive?  (assuming cabling won't get kicked out)

I've had the problem of file corruption on my mind for some time, and
the only solution I've come across is btrfs, and that had some
nightmarish issues for me, so I've moved away from it.  I'm still
wondering if an encryption partition also a mechanism to help mitigate
file corruption issues, but I haven't looked into that.

zfs needs fuse on Linux, and ext checksumming doesn't exist (though I
heard a rumour of encryption support so who knows about the future)

Beyond a checksumming filesystem would be backups which keep diffs, but
that requires auditing every file with every backup to check for
corruption, or keeping many many backups to restore from very early
revisions before a corruption.
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