Good guidance on Informational vs. BCP.  We may get there eventually, but I
thought that starting as a draft BCP might provoke more detailed and useful
debate.  ;-)

On the topic of Œlying resolvers¹ though, that seems a bit strong IMHO.  But
perhaps I have missed a strong MUST statement (per RFC 2119) in a relevant
RFC that you could refer me to?


On 7/11/09 7:59 PM, "Paul Hoffman" <> wrote:

> It seems inappropriate for the IETF to bless lying resolvers as a Best Current
> Practice. I doubt we as a community could have consensus on when lying is
> good, when it is neutral, and when it is bad. Without such agreement, we can't
> agree on how to run such servers. Having said that, the publication of a
> document such as this (with more input from the community) as a Informational
> RFC could indeed help the Internet.
> --Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
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