>> > I'll speak for my parents here: a DNS resolver that reduces the chance that
>> they'll get a drive-by malware
>> > infection is something they would happily use. Having said that, a DNS
>> resolver that gives them a page of
>> > search results instead of the browser's error page when they mistype a URL
>> is something the *do not* want
>> > because it increases their confusion.
> IMHO malicious bots are an extremely concerning problem, and the problem of
> bot infections is much more widespread than many people realize.  I¹m in the
> early stages of contributing to a bot-related draft at
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-oreirdan-mody-bot-remediation-00 in case
> anyone is interested in providing private feedback (haven¹t really found a WG
> appropriate for the work).
> Jason

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