>> FWIW, I think most ISPs that introduce such services see around a
>> 0.1% opt-out rate.
> What does it prove? Most ISP that introduces lying resolvers as an
> opt-in service see a 0.1 % opt-out rate, too. It proves only that most
> users do not dare to change the settings or are not informed or have
> no time to play with settings.

With respect, I am not trying to "prove" anything.  I am merely providing
data which you and others may find interesting and which may just inform
debate a tiny bit. 

In terms of notifying users, I agree that this is important, and that
settings (opt-out and opt-in) should be both easy to use and not take much
time.  I believe we even describe this in some detail in the draft, and I am
happy to take specific feedback on those areas, as I would be delighted to
be able to use your and others feedback to improve them.


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