On Mar 30, 2010, at 11:15 AM, Edward Lewis wrote:
> Why should I want to use IPv6 if IPv4 is still working for me?  I'm 
> not saying "you'll get my IPv4 when it pry it from my cold, dead 
> hands" - it's simply a question of "why try to bias my choice towards 
> IPv6?"  To keep this from an IPv6 rathole - "and why try to involve 
> DNS in this?  Don't we want to keep the DNS policy neutral?"

You want to use IPv6 because:

- it has significant new features that will make things like VoIP work better 
for you
- if you can't use IPv6, as more and more IPv6 nodes are deployed, your ability 
to use the network will slowly get less and less good.
- the more NATs you are behind, the fewer connections you will be able to hold 
open at a time, and this will impact your use of connection-intensive AJAX 
applications like Google Maps and Facebook.

All this has been covered at length before--dunno why you want to rehash it 

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