At 11:25 -0700 3/30/10, Ted Lemon wrote:

You want to use IPv6 because:

- it has significant new features that will make things like VoIP work
  better for you

Fine, that's a reason for v6 to come along. But why should I prefer to run SSH over v6 rather than v4?

- if you can't use IPv6, as more and more IPv6 nodes are deployed, your
  ability to use the network will slowly get less and less good.

But why bias v6 over v4 for situations where I can get there over v4?

- the more NATs you are behind, the fewer connections you will be able to
  hold open at a time, and this will impact your use of connection-intensive
  AJAX applications like Google Maps and Facebook.

That's a good reason to avoid a dependency on NAT and encourage deployment of IPv6. But then, in this case again the bias doesn't help.

Let's say I can manage just "X" connections via v4 and I have a choice of v6 or v4. When I open up connections to fill in a page I might find that v4 connections "beat" v6 until I use up my "X" and then from then on, v6 wins out. The bias doesn't help here because if I try to put v4 at a *further* disadvantage, I'm just losing my capability of using IPv4.

All this has been covered at length before--dunno why you want to rehash
it again.

Because it recently dawned on me that biasing in favor of v6 is the root of the evil, not the run out of v4.

This isn't about what's better, v4 or v6.  It's about the bias.
Edward Lewis
NeuStar                    You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

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