>At that lunch, we could not figure out who originally required such a
>detailed ordering configuration in BIND, and it might be interesting to find

What I remember from a very long time ago is the following network setup:
- a collection of NFS servers each with multiple ethernet interface cards
  connecting to different subnets
- a collection of NFS clients that would connect to the first address in 
  the returned RRset (i.e. that would not locally sort the RRset)
- a DNS resolver in a completely different subnet that had incomplete knowledge
  of the network. I think bind treated the 'class B' network as a single
  network, not as a collection of /24s.

Without the sortlist feature the DNS resolver had not enough information
to move the best address to the start of the list. And the router was slow
enough that you didn't want NFS traffic to go through the router.

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