On Jul 29, 2018, at 17:13, Florian Weimer <f...@deneb.enyo.de> wrote:

> * Tim Wicinski:
>> For the ZONEMD RR Type, where in the registry do the authors think it
>> should go?  While some of that falls on the Expert Review process,  I think
>> the document authors should capture their rationale in the document.  If
>> the proposed RR Type is greater than 256 (which I think it does), it does
>> not appear to require a Standards Track document, just Expert Review.
> There is some talk in the draft about blocking ZONEMD queries through
> recursive resolvers, which wiuld put it into the meta RR space, I
> think.
> (But I disagree that there wouldn't be a loss of functionality—if the
> ZONEMD record contained the size of the zone, clients might want to
> query it, verify its signature, and only download the specified number
> of bytes.)

I agree with that use-case. 

I also don't see a compelling reason to complicate the DNS protocol by 
specifying that QTYPE=ZONEMD needs special handling. That's camel territory as 
I think Jinmei expresed concern over the other day; better just to document the 
RRType and let the DNS be the DNS.

I also agree with Tim's observation the other day that if this is just a new 
RRType, then expert review is all that is procedurally required and it'd be a 
generous extension of what is required to document the implementation and use 
of the new RRType in the RFC series.

Such a document would only need to be an informational and could plausibly be 
independent stream or AD-sponsored if it doesn't fit the charter or is 
otherwise unpalatable to the working group.

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