Puneet Sood <pune...@google.com> writes:

> Independent of the decision on EDE forwarding and caching, the I-D
> needs to have some guidance for it [truncation]. The EXTRA-TEXT field
> may be obtained from configuration and it is possible that the
> resulting DNS message will exceed UDP message size limit in the
> request.

I added this text to the next version:

      <t>When the response grows beyond the requestor's UDP payload
      size <xref target="RFC6891" />, servers SHOULD truncate messages
      by dropping EDE options before dropping other data from
      packets.  Implementations SHOULD set the truncation bit when
      dropping EDE options.</t>

(and we'll have a forwarding discussion in Singapore)

> > * NOCHANGE 5. Security Considerations
> >
> >   Para 2: "This information is unauthenticated information, and an
> >      attacker (e.g a MITM or malicious recursive server) could insert an
> >      extended error response into already untrusted data ..."  Comment:
> >      Agree with some other comments that this is not relevant since no
> >      action is expected to be taken based on EDEs.  Comment: There are
> >      ideas in the thread to have links to info in the EXTRA-TEXT and
> >      possibly display it to users. I guess the usual warnings to not
> >      click on potentially unsafe links apply.
> >
> >   + Yeah, it really would be remiss to leave out that point.  There may
> >     be nothing we can do, but the whole point of a security
> >     consideration is to properly disclose any known threats/issues.
> I do not see text mentioning this.

I think we're miscommunicating.  Can you propose concrete text changes?
Wes Hardaker

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