Hi Mike,

On 07/07/2022 20:26, Michael StJohns wrote:
On 7/7/2022 12:28 PM, Benno Overeinder wrote:
Conducting a survey (2 times now) has worked well over the past 1.5 years to prioritise finishing existing work and starting new work. Two years ago we (as a WG) discussed how to manage the workload of the WG and running a poll seemed to be one of the mechanisms to help with that.

Using the search terms "poll" and "survey" individually via the DNSOP archive web page, I found the last July email (https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsop/bXDwmPhft5BXFndKs5xI3FjOewE/) which was about prioritization and a bunch of doodle polls about interim WG scheduling.  I didn't find any about new work.  For the prioritization google thing, I can't actually read the text of the google doc via that link, and I'm not sure what to search for in the mail archive to find the resultant document if indeed it was published to the list.  Searching the archives is *very* clumsy. So, depending only on my memory, I seem to remember that other poll was only about dealing with accepted work that hadn't progressed (i.e., kill or keep).   Scanning forward from the publication date of that poll, I can't see anyplace where the result of that poll was actually published to the list.  The chair's meeting notes of 6 Aug 2021, 20 Aug 2021 and 3 Sept 2021 don't reference the poll.  The 19 Nov 2021 notes indicate that another poll was being considered for work prioritization, but I can't find where it was sent, if at all.

So, could you send me the link to the DNSOP emails where the results of the previous two surveys were published please?  And for that matter where the second prioritization poll was sent out.

You are correct, we did have one survey/poll. In my memory they were two different surveys, but it was one survey for prioritising existing work and open questions about adopting new work. The results were presented in the DNSOP WG chairs slides of the IETF 112 meeting. The new work suggested by the WG was dnssec-bootstrapping and dnssec-automation.

As the notes indicate, we considered starting a poll but ended up not doing so for IETF 113. Thanks for correcting.


-- Benno

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