
I followed your instructions to add the hyperlinks, then updated the index, but it still does not appear to understand that the links are there.

I have committed the changed ODT file back to the review folder.


Jean Weber wrote:

The settings for the TOC do not include hyperlinks. Right-click on the
TOC, choose Edit, go to the Entries page, and add hyperlink at the
beginning and end of the Structure line. Click All at the end of that
line to apply the changes to all levels of the TOC. Click OK to save
the change.

I have not looked at the rest of the document.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 10:37 AM Keith N. McKenna
<> wrote:

I have created the ODT file for the Getting Started book. It definitely
needs A in-depth review to make sure that all the xrefs are correct.

Along with that, there is a major problem I cannot seem to overcome. It
is laid out in Issue 91 in GitHub. Basically, The TOC is not linking
correctly. You cannot use it to jump directly to a location.

My system is slowly losing its mind and I can no longer do an
administrative installation to see if it is a just my flaky system or if
it is an actual bug in  4.1.13.

If one of you could check that the TOC updates correctly with 4.1.13 or
if we need to drop back to an older version.

The ODT file is AOO41GS.odt in the review folder of the Getting Started


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