God forbid we wish the mothers on this listserv "Happy Mother's Day". You had the 
message subject line as "non-doobie", for goodness sake! What else does one need if 
one does not want to read non-doobie related messages? I, too, am pissed off at the 
rudeness here and will be signing off, once again. I came here for good times and good 
news about a band consisting of the most compassionate, humanistic members of any band 
today (and yesterday), because we are like-kind, as nurses. I listen to this band 
everyday. But, I have to deal with miserable people, unfortunately, most everyday on 
the job and do not care to have my quiet time infused by same. The moderator of this 
listserv is quite active and does a great job, so why do so many think they wear this 
hat? Shouldn't friendly dialog here, doobie and non-doobie related, foster better fan 
club gatherings? Peace to all and
good bye for good this time!

A quite happy nurse and mother here! Oh, and one of those bad lurker types, too, who 
will be enjoying the boys in Kettering!

gina dorman wrote:

> I should exercise self-control but today, I just can't.  And I don't care what 
>happens after this so here goes.  When it's Veteran's Day, none of us dare question 
>those posts  because of the Doobies and the NVF!  A few months ago it was Teacher's 
>Day and there were warm and fuzzy posts about that. Myself included. And I am 
>humiliated by someone's comment that most of my posts are Non-Doobie.  Why is it some 
>people can get away with things around here and others can't? Yes I have a good 
>memory and yes I am petty thankyou!  Wanna fight about it?!  If this were a list of 
>Doobie brothers and sisters, we could call this a case of "Sibling Rivalry" but it's 
>not and I'll have to accept it for what it is.  I'm writing this cuz I've got nothing 
>to lose at this point and promise not to ever do this again. I should be where I 
>belong on the Nurse's list. (gasp!!)  There. I'm done.
> Listen to the Music
> and I'll do the same.
> Gina
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