Hi David,

> What might this line of html/php coding in a webpage do?
> <script src=http://maveric££kmonkey.com/££widgets/.ht££access.php 
> ></script>
> Presumably this runs a script held on the `Maverick Monkey' website
> but how can I find out what it does?

It's currently an empty file, at least when wget(1) fetches it.

    $ echo http:@@maverickmonkey....@widgets@.htaccess.php |
    > tr @ / |
    > xargs wget -nv -SO-
    13:59:59 URL:http://maverickmonkey.com/widgets/.htaccess.php [0] -> "-" [1]

As Dan pointed out, that may change with different user agents, but when
I tried passing

    -U 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)'

to wget it was still empty.

> The problem is their site (such as it is) is registered at the moment
> in the name of the web designers who alone can edit it.

If they control the domain name, they can make the address record for
that domain point to another web server run by someone else.


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